Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy has its’ roots in Osteopathy - particularly through the work of Dr. William Garner Sutherland (1873-1954). He discovered that the body expresses different rhythmic motions, through the bones and fluids, which he termed 'Primary Respiration'
In response to physical knocks or emotional stress, the body's tissues contract Sometimes particularly when shock is severe, the tissues stay contracted. Any stresses, strains, tensions or traumas which have been stored in this way can restrict the body's functioning and can give rise to problems years later. The effects can be both physical (back pain, migraine, digestive disorders etc) and emotional (anxiety and depression).
Craniosacral Therapy is a way to engage with this history using a gentle 'hands on' touch. There is no manipulation of tissues, rather a tuning in to the deeper rhythmic motions. Practitioners work mindfully with the whole of a persons system. Listening to the health available and working with an individual’s own self -healing ability. They can tune in from anywhere in the body - not just the head.